Wednesday 15 August 2012

The dog and the forest

We went to Jörn and Ulla's house in the morning and Jörn took us for a guided tour of the forest in which their house sits and where he worked for most of his life. He was employed by the commune. The forest is large and has Cyprus, oak, larch and birch trees. As well there are pine and other trees planted and sold for chips or furniture making to provide income for the commune. We took the dog which is a large black labrador and very friendly. He is very good at finding his lead if Jörn throws it into the forest. While I am writing this Karu (Estonian name) put his head on the iPad and I've been having difficulty typing this with a dog head in the way.
In the evening we had visitors for dinner at the beach house. Fortunately, Ulla did the main part of the cooking and Henriette had made dessert previously so it wasn't to much work. There were 9 of us for dinner including a distant cousin of Jörn. She is married to an American but they now live in Bornholm not far from Jörn and Ulla. It was a pleasant evening as the sun was out and the company was good. We fell into bed at about 9.30pm. Photo is of J and U's backyard.

1 comment:

  1. Seems like black labs look the same the world over. Here's a picture of our grand-dog (although she's a lot bigger now):
