Thursday 16 August 2012

The Echo places

Today we started off lazily as we have every other day. This is a real holiday where time is not of the greatest importance although there are things needing to be done but never in a hurry. After coffee with Jörn and Ulla, not to mention a mandatory play with the dog, Karu, we went to the castle ruins at Lilleborg which is possibly 5 minutes drive from Vestermarie where Jörn and Ulla live. This castle was built in about 1159 and was occupied for about 150 years. Unfortunately it did not have a water supply within its walls so despite its position on top of a hill it was not a great place.
From there we went to Ekkodalen which is one of those rock formations where you can yell and your echo comes back. Xanthe had great fun with that. Then it was on to the supermarket and back to the beach house and lunch. We spent a lazy afternoon…Jeremy, Tony and Xanthe went to the beach and Henriette, Jonas and Wendy went to the nearby shops to look at the clothing on offer followed by a short walk along the beach to meet the others. Xanthe, we noted has fully recovered from a fear of jelly fish and was dealing quite severely with them. She also had a very good time swimming around the water with Henriette.

1 comment:

  1. "Went to the beach".....hmm, here in Melbourne the forecast is for a MAXIMUM of 12 deg on Saturday! See
